To spread the word, inform interested users and investors, you can not skip the ‘Metaverse’, whatever that means in the time of writing, because everything is growing and changing so fast.
I compiled a list of possible Platforms for Shapeshift events (talks, presentations, DJ events)
1) Decentraland
platform: Browser, Windows App
need registration: by Crypto wallet, Metamask e.g.
browser access: yes, full, play, built, settings
App: Windows App
crypto relation: yes, is a DAO, Ethereum, Polygon
marketplace for NTFs or creators: yes, Opensea e.g.
free to play: yes
free to built: no, needs land and objects, 5–10(xx) ETH
real VR: no, mouse controlled
popularity, look and feel: popular in the crypto scene
2) Sandbox
platform: Browser
need registration: by Crypto wallet, Metamask e.g.
browser access: yes, full, play, built, settings
App: no
crypto relation: yes, Ethereum, Polygon
marketplace for NTFs or creators: yes, Opensea e.g.
free to play: no, soon (so they say) has endless Alpha versions
free to built: no, needs land and objects, 5–10(xx) ETH
real VR: no, mouse controlled
popularity, look and feel: popular in the crypto scene, famous participants (Deadmou5, Snoop Dogg)
3) VRChat
platform: Steam, Quest, Rift, Viveport
need registration: yes, on above platforms with email address
browser access: no, only for settings
App: no Win, Apple, mobile app
crypto relation: no blockchain game, no Metamask wallet connection
marketplace for NTFs or creators: no
free to play: yes
free to built: yes
real VR: yes, Avatars with lip sync, eye tracking/blinking and complete range of motion
popularity, look and feel: popular, prof. software dev
4) Altspace
platform: Browser, Windows Microsoft App, Quest, Rift
need registration: yes, on above platforms with email address
browser access: yes, full, play, built, settings
App: yes Win, Apple, no mobile app
crypto relation: no blockchain game, no Metamask wallet connection
marketplace for NTFs or creators: no
free to play: yes
free to built: yes
real VR: yes, Avatars with hand tracking and complete range of motion
popularity, look and feel: medium popular, prof. software dev
5) Voxels
platform: Browser
need registration: by Crypto wallet, Metamask e.g.
browser access: yes, full, play, built, settings
App: no
crypto relation: yes, Ethereum
marketplace for NTFs or creators: yes, Opensea e.g.
free to play: yes
free to built: no, needs land and objects, 1–5 ETH
real VR: yes, can be used with Quest or Rift or mouse controlled
popularity, look and feel: unpopular to the masses?
6) Upland (not useful for events at the moment)
platform: Browser
need registration: yes, email address
browser access: yes, full, play, built, settings
App: no
crypto relation: yes, but the internal payment UPX is not tradeable
marketplace for NTFs or creators: yes, Opensea e.g.
free to play: yes
free to built: no
real VR: no
popularity, look and feel: popular in the crypto scene, up to now no direct 3D gaming
If I missed an important and useful VR platform please tell me.
added 02 Aug 2022: as always, there is no ultimate solution, some people like this , other that. Investing a lot of money into these (sometimes short living) projects involves risks.