LiteCoinCash FridayOpenTurnTables (FOTT)

5 min readMay 1, 2020


Okay what is this all about?
As a MOD i just got bored, people want to interact, so I started the open turntables, where everyone from beginner to longtime member can join in.
And with a background of a real life DJ many years ago, my heart still beats for rock,so I decided to create the “FridayOpenTurnTables” — #FOTT.
I don´t like to interfere much, just keep it rolling, because its a thing the community should design and control by themselves.

Everyone can #share his song as a #DJ,
every Friday at 3PM EST 9PM CET


14th August 2020
16th Friday Open Turntables — with guest raticoin

Did you miss it back then?
Now enjoy and listen:

7th August 2020
15th Friday Open Turntables — with guest CryptoStan from EWMCI

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31st July 2020
14th Friday Open Turntables — with guest Nico chief developer from fantasygoldcoin

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24th July 2020
13th Friday open Turn Tables — with guest Eugene (fsociety) CM from fantasygoldcoin

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17th July 2020
12th Friday open Turn Tables — with MODs discussion about Litecoincash / Ring with Matthew, D©evil, Rabtai, Auscoi (Earl Sir Sir)

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10th July 2020
11th Friday open Turn Tables — with guest Auscoi (Earl Sir Sir) the Tipsy creator

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03rd July 2020
10th Friday open Turn Tables — With Rob McNaley — Tusc founder
Matt, RabTAI, d©evil and Fred

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26th June 2020
with Matt, Devil, Fred, Fed and RabTAI, awesome round table about economy, fiat money and cryptocurrency in the moment and future

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12th June 2020
With FED
For the 9th time in #History of the #blockchain !
Also for the 9th time in history of #mankind ! ;-)
Come to #litecoincash $LCC #Discord and join #friday #openturntables #Nightclub
Everyone can #share his songs as a #DJ, every Friday at 3PM EST 9PM CET

Tweet was a joke about the question “wen moon”

Did you miss it back then?
Now enjoy and listen:

5th June 2020
With Tanner
Will #Crypto turn to a #Werewolf at #FullMoon ?
This question will be answered at #DevTalks by Tanner at ~6PM EST
Come to #litecoincash $LCC #Discord and join #friday #openturntables #Nightclub
Everyone can add songs as a #DJ, Friday at 3PM EST 9PM CET

Did you miss it back then?
Now enjoy and listen:

29th May 2020
With Tanner, lead developer.
What the f..k is #Crypto ?
This question will be answered by #core #team #leader Tanner at ~6PM EST
Come to #litecoincash $LCC #Discord and join #friday #openturntables #Nightclub
Everyone can #share his songs as a #DJ, every Friday at 3PM EST 9PM CET

Did you miss it back then?
Now enjoy and listen:

22nd May 2020
With Scarlet from the dev-team.
No need to make other plans!
Come to #litecoincash $LCC #Discord and join #friday #openturntables #Nightclub
Everyone can #share his songs as a #DJ, every Friday at 3PM EST 9PM CET This time #Core #Team Scarlet is answering #questions at ~6PM EST

Did you miss it back then?
Now enjoy and listen:

15th May 2020
With Tanner, lead developer.
Welcome to the LCC #nightclub
Come to #litecoincash $LCC #Discord and join #friday #openturntables

Everyone can #share his song as a #DJ, every Friday at 3PM EST 9PM CET

This time #Core #Team TANNER answering for the second time #questions +$RNG stuff!

Did you miss it back then?
Now enjoy and listen:

8th May 2020
With Tanner, lead developer.
Again And Again
Lets spend a night together at our own #nightclub Come to #litecoincash $LCC #Discord and join #friday #openturntables
Everyone can #share his song as a #DJ, every Friday at 3PM EST 9PM CET This time #Core #Team TANNER answering #questions

Did you miss it back then?
Now enjoy and listen:

1st May 2020
With Fred
#today dont miss the #openturntable at #Lightcoincash #Discord at 3PM EST (#US #eastcoast) 9PM CET (#Europe)

Todays #music #theme are #colors

Later our #LittleCryptoChat at #midnight CET and 6PM EST with a #coremember from the $LCC #team

Did you miss it back then?
No problem we have recorded most of the interview for you, lol, had some technical difficulties on my own PC ;-)
Now enjoy and listen:

Thank you for reading, if you want to support me feel free to tip me:
by clapping all +50 you have
by sending me some LCC CMA5CPm14Ht3vcpBLcY1DViWHpbpQ6wsUJ
by installing the BRAVE browser




Written by Player7o

Electron Microscopy tech. specialist, Company owner, Car-fanatic, Crypto Hodler, out of the box thinker, NOT your financial adviser — but a honest business-punk

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