Crypto chat of Litecoincash … but more Crypto,

11 min readOct 21, 2021



(leaked… not really I am dCevil)

d©evil — Yesterday at 10:42 PM
enjoy the crypto hype, tomorrow BTC could be back at 35k

thats charts are kinda unreal …. but i dont wanna wake up

DF-arrow — Yesterday at 11:34 PM
Keep sleeping ill wake up when lambo

[11:39 PM]
Can u imagine crashing lambo ughh

d©evil — Yesterday at 11:39 PM
well yes…. crashed a Porsche GT2 on a race track 2012 (edited)


DF-arrow — Yesterday at 11:40 PM
Was on a bridge once a d watch a 16 yr old kid wreck a brand new corvette bc he was driving like a dick and clipped a bumper, sound around backwards and hit guard rail… sparks galore, and within seconds car was totalled

d©evil — Yesterday at 11:42 PM
oh nice someone paid me in ETH for DJ on their Discord server, finally i can move a bit on opensea

oh nice someone paid me in ETH for DJ on their Discord server, finally i can move a bit on opensea

DF-arrow — Yesterday at 11:43 PM
Someone sent $134 in ETH to my wallet like a month ago and never found out who or why
[11:43 PM]
But I’ll take more
[11:43 PM]
Darrow.eth wallet… maybe someone nice on Twitter idk

d©evil — Yesterday at 11:44 PM
[11:44 PM]
[11:45 PM]
@DF-arrow guess which server is LCC on my DJ payments
a) 10$ b) 2$ c) 85$


DF-arrow — Yesterday at 11:45 PM
Hmmm A
[11:46 PM]
Play it sage
[11:46 PM]

d©evil — Yesterday at 11:46 PM
can you pls tell that on the next team meeting lol

DF-arrow — Yesterday at 11:46 PM
Where did @Sunita29 go?? She never visits these days

can you pls tell that on the next team meeting lol

DF-arrow — Yesterday at 11:46 PM
Yes lol

d©evil — Yesterday at 11:47 PM
sometimes, but she is also not anymore in the other servers we share


DF-arrow — Yesterday at 11:47 PM
Oh I see

d©evil — Yesterday at 11:47 PM
life goes on

DF-arrow — Yesterday at 11:47 PM
Dev team was on secret mission today! Can’t say more or else I may lose my life lol

d©evil — Yesterday at 11:48 PM
[11:48 PM]
was a meeting?

DF-arrow — Yesterday at 11:48 PM
@Scarlet King Of The Ring has been on fire lately w new ideas, I see a brighter future incoming

[11:49 PM]
Nah no meeting this week, bi weekly now
[11:49 PM]
Soo next week yes

d©evil — Yesterday at 11:49 PM
[11:49 PM]
well somehow we miss this weeks BTC train….

DF-arrow — Yesterday at 11:49 PM
We might start AMAs soon with just group chats on ur DJ nights if u like

[11:50 PM]
Almost all alt coins did too
[11:50 PM]
People too busy investing directly into BTC or the new ETF on the markets in US
[11:50 PM]
Almost $1B in first day on new ETF

d©evil — Yesterday at 11:50 PM
not in my portfolio all added another digit to my stash

DF-arrow — Yesterday at 11:51 PM
Record set,, second largest investment day for IPO

[11:51 PM]
Ahh nice.
[11:51 PM]
Yeh we had a run up prior to all this though

d©evil — Yesterday at 11:51 PM

DF-arrow — Yesterday at 11:52 PM
Hoping to do some press releases soon w @Roger, The Unicorn


d©evil — Yesterday at 11:52 PM
AMA when? I might have mo time on fridays cause COVID is back
[11:52 PM]
clubs are closing soon ..again

DF-arrow — Yesterday at 11:53 PM
Idk let’s discuss next week think it would be good to do weekly AMA with small section for dev updates and then just 30 min or so of convo regarding the general market

[11:54 PM]
Feel like we should be shilling LCC to $1 at this point
[11:54 PM]
Imagine if all the miners held for just 6 months! In 1 month w updates and miner pause we had 2x price action


d©evil — Yesterday at 11:54 PM

DF-arrow — Yesterday at 11:55 PM
Need to incentivize hodl

d©evil — Yesterday at 11:55 PM
need volume

DF-arrow — Yesterday at 11:55 PM
Ya that too, hopefully the press releases drum up some new friends


d©evil — Yesterday at 11:56 PM
buy .1 sell 1 doesnt help
[11:56 PM]
the gap on the exchanges i mean

DF-arrow — Yesterday at 11:56 PM
Ya, and trade bots r a bitch
[11:56 PM]
For any trade TBH

d©evil — Yesterday at 11:56 PM
damn another channel paid 25$ plus 25$ fees … i hate ETH

DF-arrow — Yesterday at 11:56 PM
I notice on almost all the exchanges I use, when I put an order in its immediately countered

[11:57 PM]
Gas fees r ridiculous but as an eth miner I can’t be mad

d©evil — Yesterday at 11:57 PM
can only be a bot, nobody has the time for those micro orders


[11:58 PM]
had my ETH running for a week, switched now back to nicehash need small BTC to test my hardware wallet lol
[11:58 PM]
2$ a day for 1 GPU is paying more than the electricity cost on my desk


masi — Yesterday at 11:59 PM
Bots everywhere
[11:59 PM]
That’s why I give up on trading
October 21, 2021

d©evil — Today at 12:05 AM
just buy and go away, would have saved me alot time and money

[12:06 AM]
if i would have done no crosstrading, just euro to crypto i would be 60% much richer … sad


[12:07 AM]
plus if that wouldnt have disappeared …..


That’s why I give up on trading

DF-arrow — Today at 12:08 AM
The only argument I have for that is that the bots tend to close the spread, so if the avg spread is large enough u can sometimes grab the asset for 10–20% off


if i would have done no crosstrading, just euro to crypto i would be 60% much richer … sad

DF-arrow — Today at 12:09 AM
Same here man

d©evil — Today at 12:10 AM
its like back in the days, my first stock was Amazon, if i just would have kept it and not sold it for a 560$ day winning


smish — Today at 12:10 AM
Cpuminer VS SRBMiner. Which one you prefer and why? I’m trying to get best hashrate on my CPU.

DF-arrow — Today at 12:10 AM
I had 100k last winter in ETC, i.e. 10k coins and then sold it at $13.50, then it ramped up to $180 and I bought it back when it dipped to $125, now it’s $55, so not only did I miss a 1.8 million dollar pump, I then invested it late and lost over 50% of my original investment

[12:11 AM]
So agreed on the hodl method… now I just hodl and if it dips I average down by 2x my investment.

d©evil — Today at 12:11 AM
father forgive them cause they dont know what they are doing


DF-arrow — Today at 12:11 AM
And for this market I think long term it will pay off better than trying to outsmart bots and the overall market


d©evil — Today at 12:12 AM
@smish try and error, dpends on so may small things of your PC ….


DF-arrow — Today at 12:13 AM
I made out quite well on DOGE and Shib w this method, my doge is 15000x what I paid for it and shib is now around 100x what I paid for it

[12:13 AM]
I’ve heard positive things about SRBminer lately

d©evil — Today at 12:13 AM
on DOGE i missed 800% lol sold ages ago

DF-arrow — Today at 12:13 AM
Never heard of it prior
[12:14 AM]
Yeh I think at one point I had 3.5M doge but sold like 80% of that almost a year ago, so no hard feelings, I move it into other things thst have done well also


d©evil — Today at 12:15 AM
same with XRP sold with +20% instead of now 800 1000%


[12:15 AM]
I find the golden boys way early but dont have the guts to hold for long
[12:16 AM]
WAX was also one, but there i did my (new) strategy sell only the “input” and keep the rest for HODL and never do it before +100%

[12:17 AM]
did it with LUNA, meanwhile even the “rest” is at +250% of the input i already dragged out


I find the golden boys way early but dont have the guts to hold for long

DF-arrow — Today at 12:17 AM
Omg that’s exactly how I feel

d©evil — Today at 12:17 AM
so earning ENDLESS
[12:18 AM]
well WE are business men

DF-arrow — Today at 12:18 AM
So agreed we hodl, and wait for our picks to play out. Done it so many times and saying what u said, like if I just held I’d have so much more right now

d©evil — Today at 12:18 AM
so we know some more, but the gut is gut

DF-arrow — Today at 12:18 AM
I feel like LCC is gonna be like that too
[12:18 AM]
We have all the moving parts now

[12:18 AM]
We just need that volume and popularity

d©evil — Today at 12:19 AM
I am 79% BTC atm lol so idk

DF-arrow — Today at 12:19 AM
It’s the kind of thing that could happen overnight at any time..

d©evil — Today at 12:19 AM
all my side coins can crash and i say “well”
[12:19 AM]
but I am not mad if they rise

DF-arrow — Today at 12:19 AM
I’m like 95% alts now, sold my eth and btc for alts yesterday and today
[12:19 AM]
I was about 50/50 prior the run up


d©evil — Today at 12:20 AM
if i sell my BTC…… they might call me for OTC lol
[12:20 AM]
anyway, we can be back at BTC 35k by tomorrow — its crypto

[12:21 AM]
all is at cold storage, so I cant even react in time

DF-arrow — Today at 12:22 AM
Yeh same same
[12:22 AM]
Certainly have a few things in tradable positions, like 20% I keep online so I can flip some profits if I want to

d©evil — Today at 12:23 AM
i have my USDT online but all at lending 100$ per month better than nothing


DF-arrow — Today at 12:23 AM
Made a nice arbitrage on doge last night for $2500, but then I couldn’t withdraw lol, even though wallet said working so I got stuck and list $35

[12:23 AM]
[12:23 AM]
I did the staking w doge and shib on huobi, 88% APR
[12:24 AM]
Sounds so great right

d©evil — Today at 12:24 AM
huobi has my USDT, best offer for not locked

DF-arrow — Today at 12:24 AM
But then they only let u do 3000 coins for doge and only for 7 days lol
[12:24 AM]

d©evil — Today at 12:25 AM
naw floating % is without limited time ofc

[12:25 AM]
Binance has 30 60 and 90 days
[12:25 AM]
so smt i am pissed if one coin spikes and i am locked

DF-arrow — Today at 12:25 AM
My best staking is definitely LPT, I have 2001 of then and have earned 70 more since Aug 1 w staking, thats a decent return compared to others, about 17.5% apr


d©evil — Today at 12:26 AM
EOS is totaly cyclical

DF-arrow — Today at 12:26 AM
Yeh except original run up to $13+ lol

d©evil — Today at 12:26 AM
you can really buy dip and sell 2 months later top


DF-arrow — Today at 12:27 AM
The while market has been somewhat cyclical for months now. If we only knew ahead of time we could a have easily gone 300% w buy low sell high strategy


d©evil — Today at 12:27 AM
EOS only after the may peak ….

DF-arrow — Today at 12:27 AM
[12:27 AM]
Crazy though most alts are still 50% below their May ATHs

d©evil — Today at 12:27 AM
I have not a single coin or token ine minus


DF-arrow — Today at 12:28 AM
Wondering if shits gonna just go crazy soon on an ALT run up


d©evil — Today at 12:28 AM
…. idk

DF-arrow — Today at 12:28 AM
I do bc I broke my rules and bought shit in May

d©evil — Today at 12:28 AM
was so wrong … on the short scale, not the long one

DF-arrow — Today at 12:29 AM
U and I the same there
[12:29 AM]
What u said about being right but too impatient to let ur plan playout
[12:29 AM]
Thats exactly what I did with ETC, I sold like 3 days before the insane pump

[12:29 AM]
After holding for 6 months

d©evil — Today at 12:29 AM
we can sell the chat of today “2guys — 1000 crypto — 1 common”


DF-arrow — Today at 12:30 AM

d©evil — Today at 12:30 AM
copy paste Medium and you get 1$ per day

DF-arrow — Today at 12:30 AM
I have a strong feeling one day we will be bring thr wives on a cruise somewhere exotic w LCC gains


d©evil — Today at 12:31 AM
the big Q for me is which # lol

DF-arrow — Today at 12:31 AM
I truly believe we only lack marketing here

d©evil — Today at 12:31 AM
…of “wife”

DF-arrow — Today at 12:32 AM
Hahaha I’m still on #1, she is too great to part ways w , guess I got lucky in that department


d©evil — Today at 12:32 AM
naw I never married, at least THAT saved me alot of money


[12:32 AM]
but we´re okay

DF-arrow — Today at 12:32 AM
U should get in wallstreetbets channel w me and help promote LCC, they r responsive to good factual DD

d©evil — Today at 12:34 AM
naw I hate those “american way of making business” at least on the internet

[12:35 AM]
I listen yest at bitcoin magazin podcast

DF-arrow — Today at 12:35 AM
It’s just marketing tactic
[12:35 AM]
Recruiting new LCC peeps

d©evil — Today at 12:35 AM
and one guy was ANY ASIC is profitable …fuck, dudem does he know I pay .28$ per kW?
[12:36 AM]
any old asic… nope
[12:36 AM]
it isnt
[12:37 AM]
smt i dont like to hear even “thats a very good question” …means you have no idea or it was made up from the beginning lol
[12:37 AM]
well, there is still a part european in me lol


DF-arrow — Today at 12:37 AM
True but depends how marker goes and if u hold

[12:38 AM]
I still got my original mined ethereum from back when it was $1000
[12:39 AM]
Now I get 0.15 ETH per day

d©evil — Today at 12:39 AM

DF-arrow — Today at 12:39 AM
But back then I was getting closer to 0.25 eth per day meaning I was making over $1k per day back then just had to hold it for 6 months

d©evil — Today at 12:39 AM
500€ nice

DF-arrow — Today at 12:39 AM
Yeh delete
[12:40 AM]
I blocked most of my channels from DM bc of this shit
[12:40 AM]
Yeh my rig was smaller back then if I had the same size now that would ahve been close to 2000 that per day


d©evil — Today at 12:40 AM
i dont get much, just like spam emails ony mbusiness account, cause its on the webpage… and some customer have leaks…

[12:41 AM]
yeah but your kW price is much cheaper than ours

read more at d©evil at #LiteCoinCash Discord




Written by Player7o

Electron Microscopy tech. specialist, Company owner, Car-fanatic, Crypto Hodler, out of the box thinker, NOT your financial adviser — but a honest business-punk

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