harsh, already 2022
Time for something new to put my brain on fire, soon… more
It seems to me that I haven't done anything new since 2020, but that's not entirely true. I did learned more about crypto and its community. Discord, Twitch, Altspace VR, chats where I participate or lead a discussion.
But what now, go deeper and regular online?
Doesn´t fit me, I am more the impulsive guy and hate schedules — have to, are those two words I hate, like the devil holy water.
I work best, when not expected — in other words, I am bad under pressure. Not in a total functioning sense, but in creativity.
Fixing something under pressure, no problem.
Create or perform under pressure — arghh, not my kinda game, that's why I sucked on the racetrack, training: super, race: forgettable.